Handcrafted to last life times

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Perch Stool

3 day Class


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Perch Stool

3 day Class


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What’s a Windsor Chair?

Windsor Chairmaking originated in England 300 years ago. Started by wagon wheelwrights, the craft soon spread throughout America before landing in Australia in the late 1800s.

 The Windsor furniture tradition continues thanks largely to their extraordinary comfort, incredible durability and chairmakers who love a rewarding challenge.

The ultimate goal of any chair worth its wood in sublime comfort. Windsor chair’s leading lines in the spindle back and legs, the flowing curves of the steam-bent arches and the hand-carved seat combine for a comforting embrace you won’t want to leave.

Chairs are an integral part of human lives as we sit to share meals, yarns, connections with our loved ones, we sit to relax and relieve our tired bodies from a hard days work, we sit to concentrate, and sometimes just to think.

I acknowledge and pay respect to the ancestors, Elders and descendants of the lands upon which I work and live, the Arakwal People of the Bundjalung Nation.
I celebrate the stories, culture and traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders of all communities who also work and live on this land.